Blog Post
Publication: American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
Title: Designing for Healthcare Sustainability: A Framework
Date: Published online August 3, 2021
Author: Diana Anderson, Principal, Jacobs & Shari Blanch, Architectural Graduate at Jacobs
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Traditionally, concepts related to sustainable design focus on the co-existence of both the natural and the built environments, often conjuring up images related to saving our earth: planting trees, building wind farms, collecting pollution from the ocean. Over the last few decades, the concept of sustainability has gained traction in the design community with building rating systems and standards alongside the emergence of professional credentialing.
There is a recognized need to expand the facets of holistic, sustainable design given the complex challenges within healthcare. Usually, three pillars of sustainability are considered to include economic, social and environmental dimensions. In this blog post, we propose and describe a fourth: systems sustainability.
The traditional pillars of sustainability: social, environmental and economic, in addition to systems sustainability in the context of healthcare. Sketch by: Shari Blanch
Read the full article HERE.