Letters to the Editor
Publication: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, Letter to the Editor
Publication Reference: 2017, Vol. 10(5) 162-164
Author: Diana C. Anderson, MD, MArch, Ken Trinder, Kate Mitchell, and Erica Mitchell
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Excerpt: Currently, there are two materials that qualify as preventive biocidal surfaces. Copper and copper alloys are one material. There is now an additional material that suspends cuprous oxide in a polymer, resulting in an equally efficacious substance that can be used both as a slab and as injection-molded shapes. Distinguishing itself from copper alloys, the cuprous oxide in a polymer looks and feels like any other synthetic quartz surface with a smooth, natural stone appearance, without rusting or oxidizing, and fabricates like any other hard surface, with lower cost implication.
For more information, read more about EOS Surfaces here.